Seamless sweaters, from left Jakt, Femgangen and Sport.

There are different reasons to choose seamless knitting. And likewise, there are benefits if you sew.

If you want to make a garment with minimal lumps and bumps around the attachment points, seamless is a good choice. The same goes if you want to avoid steeking.

The need of steeking is one of three main reasons to sew during the assembly of a knitted garment. One is to close small gaps, such as between the sleeves and the body. Another is that the garment is knitted flat, in several parts, which are to be put together. And the third reason is that the fabric must be steeked, to make an opening mid front or somewhere else where it is needed. As mentioned, all three methods will leave tiny lumps along the seam.

If you prefer seamless knitting, I would like to show you one of my seamless designs. It’s a vest for children, and it’s called Lun. That is the Norwegian word for something warm though not too hot.

The vest is knitted bottom up and flat. The ribbing is made only with knit stitches and purls and looks the same from the wrong side as the right side. Instead of sleeves, one will cast on stitches to make an opening for the arms. Then the shoulders are shaped by doing decreases.

Seamless knitting, the vest Lun.

To see more designs from Aud B, visit the online shop at And for more inspiration, stay tuned to this blog and check it out.


Colours in the winter landscape in the northern part of Norway.

Which colours reminds you about a place you love? Is it one special colour, or is it many? And why do you love that place?

If you put together the answers to those questions, you will probably have a favourite colour palette.

The palette for the sweater Hjemover contains some of the colours in the winter landscape a place in the northern part of Norway, where Aud B grew up. A place she loves. The English word for Hjemover is homewards.

To put the colours you love, together in a sweater

In the sweater Hjemover, the white represents the snow. White is used as the main colour because it is easy to combine with other colours.

The contrast colours are alternating, but the grey and the green are more used than the other colours. They are both calm colours, which helps to stabilize the expression, and reminds about the winter green trees in north, and the stones.

The sky in north changes a lot from day to day and all day through. Sometimes the brightest blue, and sometimes greyer. The sun is low in the winter and paints the sky in all kinds of pastel colours, especially in frosty weather. The yellow is an example of that.

Sweater Hjemover, with colours from a place Aud B loves

To see more designs from Aud B, visit the online shop at And for more inspiration, stay tuned to this blog and check it out.


You might say that is the nature of the human beings; they are made for movement. Our body is not satisfied to just stand still, even though that it will need to rest too.

A nice walk gives a lot of benefits. Fresh air, movement, and joy. And it is one of the best ways to think things through. Let your mind flow while walking.

Choose clothes after the weather and what makes you comfortable.

That was the thought behind the vest Boy. To have a garment that is both comfortable and warm enough and provides plenty of space for movement.

Knitted vest by Aud B. A vest made for movement.

To see more designs from Aud B, visit the online shop at And for more inspiration, stay tuned to this blog and check it out.


How fun isn’t it to work with someone, who has a completely different way of thinking and who brings new perspectives to a topic?

When two people put their heads together, they will meet a task with their individual perspective and knowledge. Even if they should have the same background in education and experience. Because, there will always be some parts of their life that has been different, besides the distinctions between personalities.

It is indeed interesting to get to know another perspective, and to see a task from a new angle. Very often it gives a wider view, and more opportunities for which solution to choose.

To cooperate on the knitted jacket Duo

To cooperate with a six-year-old, gives indeed some new angles. And whatever thoughts one might have about what is possible or not, they will have to be thought once again. Because a six-year-old will not leave a question open or accept something as a problem without being given a very good reason.

This jacket, Duo, is the result of cooperation between mother and son. He wanted both Superman and Batman on his jacket, and his mother thought that would be quite difficult to manage in a pattern for knitting. Her six-year-old insisted on how easy it would be, and draw the motives from his point of view, into a chart. Of course, the two superheroes on the jacket are not look-alike to the originals. But the six-year-old had made a motive he was happy with. And he also had shown his mother a new angle to work on further with the design.

Nice to cooperate on the jacket Duo.

To see more designs from Aud B, visit the online shop at And for more inspiration, stay tuned to this blog and check it out.


Everyone who loves to go fishing knows that there are different ways to cast the line. That could depend on surroundings, equipment or other things. There is always something new to learn, and techniques to test. How much fun isn’t it to learn a new technique?

Sometimes it is just like a door opens, to a new world, only because of the knowledge of a new technique. And it is all fun to explore how it works, and to find out which new possibilities it contains.

Maybe a new technique will make some tasks easier, but also give new challenges. Maybe it will be the solution needed to come further with an idea. One can guess, but never know exactly, before this new technique has been practiced on the project one hoped it would work for.

Like the jacket Playful. At first it was just meant to be a small crocheted piece, to test how the technique worked. Then the inspiration came, to make something more. It certainly was some questions who needed answers, before it could be a jacket, but it was all worth it. And – a lot of fun.

How much fun isn't it to learn a new technique? The jacket Playful was at first just meant to be a small crocheted piece, to test how the technique worked.

To see more designs from Aud B, visit the online shop at And for more inspiration, stay tuned to this blog and check it out.



It is not easy to say, but fact is that there are a lot of designs where a football is some part of it. Somehow designers all over the world find inspiration in this item. Of course, there is a lot of clothing decorated with footballs, but one will find them at curtains, blankets, bedclothes, party stash, boxes, wallpaper, pencils, and other school materials as well. And much more.

Maybe the football represents something we like to be identified with. It does certainly signal activity and joy, but also movement and mastering, not to mention development.

Footballs at the kid’s sweater Ballmotiv 1

For this sweater Ballmotiv 1, the inspiration was most of all the joy in a child’s face, when playing with a ball. To see how much fun a child has in just watching a ball bouncing.

The knitted sweater Ballmotiv 1 by Aud B contains footballs in the colourwork.

To see more designs from Aud B, visit the online shop at And for more inspiration, stay tuned to this blog and check it out.