A friend, who also is a hunter, suggested that Aud B should make a knit design inspired from outdoor life. And so she did. The design is a sweater called Jakt, which is Norwegian for the English word Hunt. In other words, a sweater for a hunter.
The sweater has got colours from the nature. Both the forest and the water is represented. And it is also easy to recognize the tracks of a couple of animals. Even a glimpse of fishing line is on the sweater.
A hunter or an angler needs clothes where there is plenty of room for movement. To use a rifle or a fishing rod, the clothes must not be too tight, espesially over the shoulders. This sweater has enough positive ease to feel comfortable when moving. And the knitted fabric gives nice elasticity.
For outdoor life it is also important to have garments that keep you warm enough. Then the garment’s insulating ability is important. One of the most suitable materials for this is wool. It retains heat even if the garment has become wet. Stagnant air is the secret behind all insulation, and wool has plenty of air. It actually protects against both heat and cold. Of course, the sweater Jakt had to be made of wool, and so it is.
To protect the shoulders even more, the colourwork has been placed there. That will make an extra layer of air, because it is used two threads at the same time. This is a very light and comfortable garment to wear.
So, why not knit a sweater for a hunter?

To see more designs from Aud B, visit the online shop at audb.no. And for more inspiration, stay tuned to this blog and check it out.