Did you know that wool is a very suitable material for garments for activity? And that a knitted garment in wool has good breathability? The vest below is made for training and has got the name Aktiv which is Norwegian for active. There are three features in particular that were in focus in the process of design.

First, the vest has plenty of room for movement, even if the fit is tight. That is because knitted fabric gives nice elasticity.

Secondly, a breathable material is needed when exercising. Wool has that quality and therefore helps to protect the body against both changes in temperature and moisture levels when training. You can read more about the wool’s excellent qualities at Woolmarks site.

Third, the vest had to be light weighted. So, it is knitted with rather thick needles to this type of yarn to keep the weight down, and to make an insulating air layer especially regarding activity on colder days. The light weight also makes it easy to roll up and put in a pocket or backpack.

The knitted vest Aktiv made for training.

To see more designs from Aud B, visit the online shop at audb.no. And for more inspiration, stay tuned to this blog and check it out.



A friend, who also is a hunter, suggested that Aud B should make a knit design inspired from outdoor life. And so she did. The design is a sweater called Jakt, which is Norwegian for the English word Hunt. In other words, a sweater for a hunter.

The sweater has got colours from the nature. Both the forest and the water is represented. And it is also easy to recognize the tracks of a couple of animals. Even a glimpse of fishing line is on the sweater.

A hunter or an angler needs clothes where there is plenty of room for movement. To use a rifle or a fishing rod, the clothes must not be too tight, espesially over the shoulders. This sweater has enough positive ease to feel comfortable when moving. And the knitted fabric gives nice elasticity.

For outdoor life it is also important to have garments that keep you warm enough. Then the garment’s insulating ability is important. One of the most suitable materials for this is wool. It retains heat even if the garment has become wet. Stagnant air is the secret behind all insulation, and wool has plenty of air. It actually protects against both heat and cold. Of course, the sweater Jakt had to be made of wool, and so it is.

To protect the shoulders even more, the colourwork has been placed there. That will make an extra layer of air, because it is used two threads at the same time. This is a very light and comfortable garment to wear.

So, why not knit a sweater for a hunter?

Sweater Jakt, a sweater for a hunter.

To see more designs from Aud B, visit the online shop at audb.no. And for more inspiration, stay tuned to this blog and check it out.


You might say that is the nature of the human beings; they are made for movement. Our body is not satisfied to just stand still, even though that it will need to rest too.

A nice walk gives a lot of benefits. Fresh air, movement, and joy. And it is one of the best ways to think things through. Let your mind flow while walking.

Choose clothes after the weather and what makes you comfortable.

That was the thought behind the vest Boy. To have a garment that is both comfortable and warm enough and provides plenty of space for movement.

Knitted vest by Aud B. A vest made for movement.

To see more designs from Aud B, visit the online shop at audb.no. And for more inspiration, stay tuned to this blog and check it out.


Either you are conscious about it or not, you are sending signals to the world around you all the time. Some signals through your body language, some through your expressions and some through your clothing. Even though it is written a lot about this theme, it is still of interest. Probably because things change and do affect our behaviour. The changes also affect what is accepted or not. Advises from yesterday will have to be updated.

Signals through clothing

Signals through clothing have changed maybe more than the others over the years. Not always fast, but still a change.

Some of the traditional costumes in Norway show which of the women who was married or not. This “bunad” from Fana is an example. The unmarried girls should use blue ribbons, and the married ones should use green ribbons. Nowadays a wedding ring has the same function.

The April joke from The Norwegian Trekking Association in 2014 was made on this theme. For those who would take the traditional hiking tour in the mountains for the Easter, they recommended to where hats of different colours. Those who wanted to signal that they were in a relationship, should wear a red hat, and they who were single should wear a
green hat. If it of some reason was difficult to decide, they recommended wearing a yellow hat. People loved the idea and started practice it the very same Easter. This was the inspiration for the design Single Or Not from Aud B. A knitted hat, with three different choices for colourwork. The pattern is available in Norwegian and English.

What signals are you sending? The inspiration for the design Single Or Not from Aud B. The pattern is available in Norwegian and English.

To see more designs from Aud B, visit the online shop at audb.no. And for more inspiration, stay tuned to this blog and check it out.


How fun isn’t it to work with someone, who has a completely different way of thinking and who brings new perspectives to a topic?

When two people put their heads together, they will meet a task with their individual perspective and knowledge. Even if they should have the same background in education and experience. Because, there will always be some parts of their life that has been different, besides the distinctions between personalities.

It is indeed interesting to get to know another perspective, and to see a task from a new angle. Very often it gives a wider view, and more opportunities for which solution to choose.

To cooperate on the knitted jacket Duo

To cooperate with a six-year-old, gives indeed some new angles. And whatever thoughts one might have about what is possible or not, they will have to be thought once again. Because a six-year-old will not leave a question open or accept something as a problem without being given a very good reason.

This jacket, Duo, is the result of cooperation between mother and son. He wanted both Superman and Batman on his jacket, and his mother thought that would be quite difficult to manage in a pattern for knitting. Her six-year-old insisted on how easy it would be, and draw the motives from his point of view, into a chart. Of course, the two superheroes on the jacket are not look-alike to the originals. But the six-year-old had made a motive he was happy with. And he also had shown his mother a new angle to work on further with the design.

Nice to cooperate on the jacket Duo.

To see more designs from Aud B, visit the online shop at audb.no. And for more inspiration, stay tuned to this blog and check it out.