How fun isn’t it to work with someone, who has a completely different way of thinking and who brings new perspectives to a topic?
When two people put their heads together, they will meet a task with their individual perspective and knowledge. Even if they should have the same background in education and experience. Because, there will always be some parts of their life that has been different, besides the distinctions between personalities.
It is indeed interesting to get to know another perspective, and to see a task from a new angle. Very often it gives a wider view, and more opportunities for which solution to choose.
To cooperate on the knitted jacket Duo
To cooperate with a six-year-old, gives indeed some new angles. And whatever thoughts one might have about what is possible or not, they will have to be thought once again. Because a six-year-old will not leave a question open or accept something as a problem without being given a very good reason.
This jacket, Duo, is the result of cooperation between mother and son. He wanted both Superman and Batman on his jacket, and his mother thought that would be quite difficult to manage in a pattern for knitting. Her six-year-old insisted on how easy it would be, and draw the motives from his point of view, into a chart. Of course, the two superheroes on the jacket are not look-alike to the originals. But the six-year-old had made a motive he was happy with. And he also had shown his mother a new angle to work on further with the design.
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