How fun isn’t it to work with someone, who has a completely different way of thinking and who brings new perspectives to a topic?

When two people put their heads together, they will meet a task with their individual perspective and knowledge. Even if they should have the same background in education and experience. Because, there will always be some parts of their life that has been different, besides the distinctions between personalities.

It is indeed interesting to get to know another perspective, and to see a task from a new angle. Very often it gives a wider view, and more opportunities for which solution to choose.

To cooperate on the knitted jacket Duo

To cooperate with a six-year-old, gives indeed some new angles. And whatever thoughts one might have about what is possible or not, they will have to be thought once again. Because a six-year-old will not leave a question open or accept something as a problem without being given a very good reason.

This jacket, Duo, is the result of cooperation between mother and son. He wanted both Superman and Batman on his jacket, and his mother thought that would be quite difficult to manage in a pattern for knitting. Her six-year-old insisted on how easy it would be, and draw the motives from his point of view, into a chart. Of course, the two superheroes on the jacket are not look-alike to the originals. But the six-year-old had made a motive he was happy with. And he also had shown his mother a new angle to work on further with the design.

Nice to cooperate on the jacket Duo.

To see more designs from Aud B, visit the online shop at And for more inspiration, stay tuned to this blog and check it out.


Both beautiful and scary, and indeed powerful in every meaning of the word, that’s lightning! And it is the symbol of everything that is quick. That is why the sweetest racing car ever has got the name Lightning Mc Queen. The story about him is worth seeing for grownups as well as kids. It is easy to recognize the different type of characters and relate them to people one meet during a lifetime.

This car was the inspiration to the hat and neck warmer called Lightning. Of course the colours are different, and the symbols have another shape, but the idea started with Mc Queen, and the world around him. And that is good. Because those garments will help you to stay warm at cold winter days.

Knitted hat and neck warmer Lightning by Aud B

To see more designs from Aud B, visit the online store at And for more inspiration, stay tuned to this blog and check it out.



It is not easy to say, but fact is that there are a lot of designs where a football is some part of it. Somehow designers all over the world find inspiration in this item. Of course, there is a lot of clothing decorated with footballs, but one will find them at curtains, blankets, bedclothes, party stash, boxes, wallpaper, pencils, and other school materials as well. And much more.

Maybe the football represents something we like to be identified with. It does certainly signal activity and joy, but also movement and mastering, not to mention development.

Footballs at the kid’s sweater Ballmotiv 1

For this sweater Ballmotiv 1, the inspiration was most of all the joy in a child’s face, when playing with a ball. To see how much fun a child has in just watching a ball bouncing.

The knitted sweater Ballmotiv 1 by Aud B contains footballs in the colourwork.

To see more designs from Aud B, visit the online shop at And for more inspiration, stay tuned to this blog and check it out.


The rocks that was the inspiration for the design Granite by Aud B

Sometimes the inspiration in a design is obvious, and easy to recognize in a finished product. Sometimes one will have to take a closer look to find the link between them. Here is one example on the first, where it is easy to see that nature has been the inspiration.

The jacket Granite is inspired by the rocks along the seaside in the northern part of Norway. Both the colour and the texture are easy to recognize. The grey and white mixed together in the squares, reminds of granite, at least the grey variant. The use of garter makes texture, which put one’s mind to the round shape of the rocks.

The nature has been a source for inspiration at all times, and still it inspires to new designs and new people. It seems to always be something there to inspire someone. Like a day-to-day wonder.

The knittet jacket Granite by Aud B. When nature is inspiration.

To see more designs from Aud B, visit the online store at And for more inspiration, stay tuned to this blog and check it out.