Did you know that wool is a very suitable material for garments for activity? And that a knitted garment in wool has good breathability? The vest below is made for training and has got the name Aktiv which is Norwegian for active. There are three features in particular that were in focus in the process of design.

First, the vest has plenty of room for movement, even if the fit is tight. That is because knitted fabric gives nice elasticity.

Secondly, a breathable material is needed when exercising. Wool has that quality and therefore helps to protect the body against both changes in temperature and moisture levels when training. You can read more about the wool’s excellent qualities at Woolmarks site.

Third, the vest had to be light weighted. So, it is knitted with rather thick needles to this type of yarn to keep the weight down, and to make an insulating air layer especially regarding activity on colder days. The light weight also makes it easy to roll up and put in a pocket or backpack.

The knitted vest Aktiv made for training.

To see more designs from Aud B, visit the online shop at audb.no. And for more inspiration, stay tuned to this blog and check it out.


Seamless sweaters, from left Jakt, Femgangen and Sport.

There are different reasons to choose seamless knitting. And likewise, there are benefits if you sew.

If you want to make a garment with minimal lumps and bumps around the attachment points, seamless is a good choice. The same goes if you want to avoid steeking.

The need of steeking is one of three main reasons to sew during the assembly of a knitted garment. One is to close small gaps, such as between the sleeves and the body. Another is that the garment is knitted flat, in several parts, which are to be put together. And the third reason is that the fabric must be steeked, to make an opening mid front or somewhere else where it is needed. As mentioned, all three methods will leave tiny lumps along the seam.

If you prefer seamless knitting, I would like to show you one of my seamless designs. It’s a vest for children, and it’s called Lun. That is the Norwegian word for something warm though not too hot.

The vest is knitted bottom up and flat. The ribbing is made only with knit stitches and purls and looks the same from the wrong side as the right side. Instead of sleeves, one will cast on stitches to make an opening for the arms. Then the shoulders are shaped by doing decreases.

Seamless knitting, the vest Lun.

To see more designs from Aud B, visit the online shop at audb.no. And for more inspiration, stay tuned to this blog and check it out.


You might say that is the nature of the human beings; they are made for movement. Our body is not satisfied to just stand still, even though that it will need to rest too.

A nice walk gives a lot of benefits. Fresh air, movement, and joy. And it is one of the best ways to think things through. Let your mind flow while walking.

Choose clothes after the weather and what makes you comfortable.

That was the thought behind the vest Boy. To have a garment that is both comfortable and warm enough and provides plenty of space for movement.

Knitted vest by Aud B. A vest made for movement.

To see more designs from Aud B, visit the online shop at audb.no. And for more inspiration, stay tuned to this blog and check it out.


The lines in our lives are easier to see after they are made than along the road. Some of them looks like they were “meant to be”, while other lines were neither planned nor welcomed. Altogether they make the path of our lives and represent experiences that we can use in other situations.

Aud B called this design Linjer. It is Norwegian and refers to the lines in a train track. The idea came one day Aud B was waiting for the tram. She watched the beauty of the lines, and how they looked like knitted fabric. And she thought it would be exciting to bring out the lines of knit stitches on a base of garter stitch. Another form of lines in our lives.

There is a lot of different lines in our lives. The inspiration for the knitted vest Linjer.

To see more designs from Aud B, visit the online shop at audb.no. And for more inspiration, stay tuned to this blog and check it out.


Crocheted squares are often called «granny squares».

Crocheted squares are often called «granny squares». Probably because they often are used in blankets, worked by granny or somebody like her. To make one, you will have to crochet a great number of squares in a lot of different colours and put it all together. It is a very smart solution if you have too much left over of yarn. And most “crafting people” have.

A crocheted vest made of granny squares

It was not really this kind of squares which were the inspiration for the vest Squares. It was some small coasters to put on the coffee table. They were crocheted and very cute! Coasters like that are meant to put cups or glasses on.

Still, to put something like that together in a larger piece, will very soon bring one’s thoughts to granny. That is why it is exciting to make something that is similar, but still is very different, both in expression and shape. In other words, less granny but still squares.

The vest Squares is less granny but still squares. I is crocheted.

To see more designs from Aud B, visit the online shop at audb.no. And for more inspiration, stay tuned to this blog and check it out.