Hat knitted with different dye lots

Same yarn colour, but different dye lots?

Why not make it a part of the garment’s look?

On a sweater for example. Figure out if there is enough yarn of same dye lot to knit two sleeves of it. And if not, you might want to place it as a stripe on the yoke or the body. Or maybe you want to make something smaller?

Here is a tip for a hat. This hat is knitted with two different blue colours, only one grey colour, and for the white part it is used three different dye lots.

The darkest colours are in bottom of the hat, and the lightest colours on top. So, the white yarn was sorted by which one was brighter. One can hardly see that they are different, and that was the point this time.

All the colours are knitted to the end of the thread and used up. Because of that the switching of colours will start on different places on the hat and make a softer impression of the shifts. Easy and fun.

White in three different dye lots.

To see more designs from Aud B, visit the online shop at And for more inspiration, stay tuned to this blog and check it out.


Did you know that the same garment can look completely different depending on which materials you choose to make it? Here is an example of how the choice of yarn gives these two jackets different expressions.

Different expressions with super bulky yarn.

Fluffy and elastic or firm with clear lines? The choice of yarn gives different expressions.

Look at those two cardigans. They are knitted with the same pattern.

The green one is knitted with a super bulky yarn, like the pattern calls for. It is easy to see the shape of the finished garment. The fabric is firm, still the jacket is soft and warm.

The white one is knitted with a fluffy, bulky yarn. Each stitch is a little bit looser with this yarn, and that gives the fabric some more of elastic. It also softens the lines of the shape.

The choice of yarn will of course have an impact on the finished garments weight. In this example the green cardigan is 1 kilo and the white only 275 grams! But that does not necessarily do anything to the expression.

At last, the question is what need the garment is meant to cover. Choose the yarn that gives both the wished functionality and expression.

Different expressions with fluffy, bulky yarn.
You will find the pattern in the online store: Jacket with collar

To see more designs from Aud B, visit the online shop at And for more inspiration, stay tuned to this blog and check it out.


rusty old barbed wire, a symbol for new beginnings

Every now and then we all need a fresh start. To make room for something new to grow, and to find another perspective. To make new beginnings. Maybe the first steps are hesitant. Maybe the direction not yet is clear. But there is movement, a sign of will.

After the second world war there was an urge among people to move forward and leave the past behind. In the northern part of Norway there still are some traces from that time, like this rusty old barbed wire.

A design inspired of new beginnings

This design is called Spire, which is Norwegian for sprout. It has got colours from both the nature and the rusty barbed wire. The past, the present and the future.

The knitted sweater Spire by Aud B, is inspired of new beginnings.

To see more designs from Aud B, visit the online store at And for more inspiration, stay tuned to this blog and check it out.


You might say that is the nature of the human beings; they are made for movement. Our body is not satisfied to just stand still, even though that it will need to rest too.

A nice walk gives a lot of benefits. Fresh air, movement, and joy. And it is one of the best ways to think things through. Let your mind flow while walking.

Choose clothes after the weather and what makes you comfortable.

That was the thought behind the vest Boy. To have a garment that is both comfortable and warm enough and provides plenty of space for movement.

Knitted vest by Aud B. A vest made for movement.

To see more designs from Aud B, visit the online shop at And for more inspiration, stay tuned to this blog and check it out.


An example of the simplicity by using thread markers.

Most knitters need to use markers when knitting. One of the easiest ways to do it is to use threads. They will give a lot of information while working. Here are some examples of the simplicity by using thread markers.

First, the threads will make you notice whenever there is time to stop for making an increase or a decrease, or something else you would like to be reminded of.

Second, the threads can help you to count rounds. Just put one end of the thread over to the other side of the work every time you reach the right number of rows.

Third, let the threads tell you which part of the work you have reached. One colour for the sides, one colour for midst back, and one for the beginning of the round.

Just find out what works best for you.

This bolero is an example of a knitting project where markers are needed at many points since it has fixed points for increases. For this knitting project you will need nine markers just for the body.

Knitted bolero by Aud B.

To see more designs from Aud B, visit the online shop at And for more inspiration, stay tuned to this blog and check it out.


The lines in our lives are easier to see after they are made than along the road. Some of them looks like they were “meant to be”, while other lines were neither planned nor welcomed. Altogether they make the path of our lives and represent experiences that we can use in other situations.

Aud B called this design Linjer. It is Norwegian and refers to the lines in a train track. The idea came one day Aud B was waiting for the tram. She watched the beauty of the lines, and how they looked like knitted fabric. And she thought it would be exciting to bring out the lines of knit stitches on a base of garter stitch. Another form of lines in our lives.

There is a lot of different lines in our lives. The inspiration for the knitted vest Linjer.

To see more designs from Aud B, visit the online shop at And for more inspiration, stay tuned to this blog and check it out.


One of the things many of us long the most for after the winter, is to see the trees turn green again, and all the leaves moving in the wind. Some of them different in shape, but still, they have a lot in common. Like the line in the middle, and the tip. The beauty of leaves!

A shrug inspired of the beauty of leaves

The design Shrug Leaf is obvious inspired of leaves. Each of the main parts has the line in the middle, and a tip. The main parts are knitted, and then they are assembled by crocheting. The crocheted part gives a little space and air between each leaf.

The shrug is fun to make, and very comfortable to wear.

The design Shrug Leaf is inspired of the beauty of leaves.

To see more designs from Aud B, visit the online shop at And for more inspiration, stay tuned to this blog and check it out.


Either you are conscious about it or not, you are sending signals to the world around you all the time. Some signals through your body language, some through your expressions and some through your clothing. Even though it is written a lot about this theme, it is still of interest. Probably because things change and do affect our behaviour. The changes also affect what is accepted or not. Advises from yesterday will have to be updated.

Signals through clothing

Signals through clothing have changed maybe more than the others over the years. Not always fast, but still a change.

Some of the traditional costumes in Norway show which of the women who was married or not. This “bunad” from Fana is an example. The unmarried girls should use blue ribbons, and the married ones should use green ribbons. Nowadays a wedding ring has the same function.

The April joke from The Norwegian Trekking Association in 2014 was made on this theme. For those who would take the traditional hiking tour in the mountains for the Easter, they recommended to where hats of different colours. Those who wanted to signal that they were in a relationship, should wear a red hat, and they who were single should wear a
green hat. If it of some reason was difficult to decide, they recommended wearing a yellow hat. People loved the idea and started practice it the very same Easter. This was the inspiration for the design Single Or Not from Aud B. A knitted hat, with three different choices for colourwork. The pattern is available in Norwegian and English.

What signals are you sending? The inspiration for the design Single Or Not from Aud B. The pattern is available in Norwegian and English.

To see more designs from Aud B, visit the online shop at And for more inspiration, stay tuned to this blog and check it out.